自信是成功的必备 Confidence Is the Way to Success

关于confidence关于success关于例子关于成功关于方法关于自信 LinHao, in face of so great a catastrophe, did not evade but gave his hands to hisclassmates. It was his confidence and calmness that gave others the secondlife. I am proud of him. To be honest, Li...

LinHao, in face of so great a catastrophe, did not evade but gave his hands to hisclassmates. It was his confidence and calmness that gave others the secondlife. I am proud of him. To be honest, Lin Hao is my little hero in my heart.

BernardShaw has ever said a word. "Those who have confidence can transformsmallness into greatness and make mediocre things look beautiful''. In anotherword, self-confidence is the first step to success. Thus, no matter when andwhat, we do not allow ourselves to be discouraged. Lin Hao's experience tellsus that confidence is very important to us. It also reminds me of my ownexperience during the first year of senior middle school. After I entered seniorschool, I found it really hard for me to learn math well. There were so manyproblems which I didn't understand that I did badly in exams. Both my parentsand math teachers believed that I couldn't learn math well. One day I met adifficult problem which took me nearly an hour to work it out. Nonetheless,I realized that I was the onlyone in my class to work it out! That really built up my confidence in math.Finally I became very good at math and my math teacher was surprised by my progress.It was confidence that helped me overcome the difficulty.

Ifa person wants to be successful, the first thing to do is to get confidence, assuccess is the body of confidence.


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