接力赛 Relay Race

关于校运会关于篮球比赛 Every year in October, our school will have the tradition to hold a sports meeting. It is the biggest event of the year, so all the students will practise very hard to win the biggest honor. Relay race is the most important match, b...
关于校运会关于篮球比赛 Every year in October, our school will have the tradition to hold a sports meeting. It is the biggest event of the year, so all the students will practise very hard to win the biggest honor. Relay race is the most important match, because it involves so many students to take part in, showing the unity of a team. Last year, our class won the second place. We lagged behind the champion just a little distance, so we hoped to defeated them this time and won the first prize. We have practised very hard, and every student in the team wanted to make the breakthrough. When the match finally began, we ran very fast and kept our space. Even though other team tried to disturbed us, we focused our attention. The moment when our team first crossed the line, we cheer and cried. We made it.


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  • 接力赛 Relay Race

    关于校运会关于篮球比赛 Every year in October, our school will have the tradition to hold a sports meeting. It is the biggest event of the year, so all the students will practise very hard to win the biggest honor. Relay race is the most important match, b

    2023-03-07 01:06:01
    670 0



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