高考制度公平吗?Is College Entrance Examination System Fair?

关于college entrance exa关于college entrance exa关于education关于教育关于高考关于高考制度 To the most of the high school students,college entrance examination is the only way they can enter a college tocontinue their education.对于大多数高中生来说,高考是...
关于college entrance exa关于college entrance exa关于education关于教育关于高考关于高考制度

To the most of the high school students,college entrance examination is the only way they can enter a college tocontinue their education.


Some say it is not fair because this is theprimary cause of the exam-oriented education, the students have to do well inevery subject to get into a good college, it is not fair for those who are talentedin specific majors while not so good in other ones. However, I thinkthe current college entrance examination system is fair to the most ofstudents.


The college entrance examination onlyrequires the students do well in study, power and wealthy family of thestudents won’t do anything with it. It gives those students from poor family achance to receive higher education, helps them to change their fate of beingborn in a poor family. These students maybe have lost at the starting line, butthe college entrance examination system gives a second chance to start withothers at the same line again.


As for those who are talented in specificmajors, the system also has other solutions. It authorizes the college torecruit the students independently. If the student good enough, he/she will makehis/her effort to get into the college.


So, in the current education environment, Ithink the college entrance examination system is fair.



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