打针 The Injection

关于sick关于打针关于看医生 Having an injection is every child’s nightmare. When I get sick, I am so afraid of telling my parents, because I don’t want to go to see the doctor and have an injection. Though the doctor always tells me that it will not hurt...
关于sick关于打针关于看医生 Having an injection is every child’s nightmare. When I get sick, I am so afraid of telling my parents, because I don’t want to go to see the doctor and have an injection. Though the doctor always tells me that it will not hurt me at all, I still cry. But now I become much brave, I will turn around my face and then I will not feel the pain.


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上一篇 03-05
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  • 雪纳瑞什么时候打针


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  • 现在发烧为什么不让打针了


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  • 被猫咬了以后打针了,可以吃鱼类等海鲜吗?

    问被猫咬了以后打针了,可以吃鱼类等海鲜吗?答最佳答案不可以,吃了伤口会发炎。被狗咬的打针期最好不要吃海鲜,不然伤口会发炎。可以吃点水果。不要饮酒、吸烟、吃辣椒、吃零食等等。虾和鱼是不可以的,鸡蛋最好也不要吃,过了注射器之后可以的。注射狂犬疫苗应注意 1、禁止

    2023-03-05 12:54:01
    526 0
  • 打针 The Injection

    关于sick关于打针关于看医生 Having an injection is every child’s nightmare. When I get sick, I am so afraid of telling my parents, because I don’t want to go to see the doctor and have an injection. Though the doctor always tells me that it will not hurt

    2023-03-05 06:07:01
    593 0



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