非法狩猎与物种灭绝 Illegal Hunting and Extinction of Species

关于保护动物关于保护环境关于物种资源关于生态系统 With the steady growth of people’s living standard, I’m mournful to see that more and more species is on the way to extinction, together with the rise of people’s illegal hunting in the last four decades...

With the steady growth of people’s living standard, I’m mournful to see that more and more species is on the way to extinction, together with the rise of people’s illegal hunting in the last four decades.

伴随着我国人民生活水平的稳步提高,我却很悲伤地看到越来越多的生物物种濒临灭绝和过去四十年间人们非法捕猎的上升。From the result of a recent survey, we can learn that the frequency of illegal hunting has increased rapidly since the market of animal product is hot. As a consequence, there are nearly 40 kinds of animals dying out each year, compared with less than five kinds in 1963. This will exert negative influence on our ecosystem and diversity of creatures. In this way, a great number of animals may not be seen by our descendants, even by ourselves.从最近的一项调查中我们可以得知,由于动物产品市场的火爆,非法狩猎的频率正在飞速的上升。因此,现在每年都有将近40种动物灭绝,而这一数据在1963年只有5种。这对我们的生态系统和物种多样性都是非常不利的。如果按照这样发展下去,我们的子孙后代也许就看不到许多的动物了,甚至我们自己也看不到了。The statistics lead me to convince that illegal hunting is closely bound with the extinction of species. From my point of view, any government which is blind to this issue will pay a heavy cost. Therefore, strong measures should be taken to prevent people from hunting illegally and relevant laws should be passed immediately.这些数据让我深信非法狩猎与物种的灭绝有着很大多的关系。依我看来,哪个政府对这个问题视而不见,那么他们将会付出惨重的代价。因此,防止人们非法狩猎的强有力的措施必须被执行。It’ high time that we should attach great importance to the balance of our ecosystem. Let’s take action right now!现在真的是我们重视我们生态系统平衡的时候了。让我们从现在开始行动吧!


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