
整理床铺 make the bed 整理床铺 make one#39s bed 先整理床铺, Make your bed, please我在整理床铺 I#39m doing the bed I am making zhe bed 铺床整理床铺 make bed tidy bed 她在整理床铺 She#39s making;我通常在早上730整理床铺用英语表达I usually make my bed at 7...

整理床铺 make the bed 整理床铺 make one#39s bed 先整理床铺, Make your bed, please我在整理床铺 I#39m doing the bed I am making zhe bed 铺床整理床铺 make bed tidy bed 她在整理床铺 She#39s making;我通常在早上730整理床铺用英语表达I usually make my bed at 730 in the morning注完全没有问题,希望帮助到您请及时点击采纳。

如果是过去式He didn#x27t do anything but made his bed他没做什么,就在整理床铺如果是进行时He is not doing anything but making his bed动词在不同的时态状态下要保持一致;整理床铺,用英语说就是 make the bed如 His mother is helping him make the bed,她妈妈正在帮助她整理床铺。

You must make bed, clean room and wash clothes by yourself 这里使用must表示必须,是比较强烈的语气了哟动词短语部分,是直译;make the bed 例句与用法1 她是在早上整理床铺吗Do she make the bed in the morning?2 他起床后的第一件事就是整理床铺The first thing he does after getting up is to make the bed。

翻译的话是No,I made my bed this morning today如果提问的话可以是你今天中午整理的床铺英文是Did you make your bed at noon today;整理床铺有两次,一词是早上起床时,另一次是晚上睡觉前,但英语表达不同起床后用quotmake the bedquot睡觉前用quotdo the bedquot。

I like cleaning the living room,making the bed,sweeping the floor and folding the clothes。

铺床用英语怎么说 楼主您好,make a bed 或是 make the bed 都是表示整理床铺 也就是铺床的意思两者几乎无差别,只是特指或泛指而已 我们要学会自己铺床的英文怎么写 We should learn to make our beds我帮她铺床 用;see the disarray他试图收拾一下,不想让女佣看见那里乱七八糟Anne made the beds and tidied up the nursery安妮把床铺都整理好,然后把幼儿室收拾停当整理床铺,可以直接说tidy the bed 或 make the bed。

After I wake up, I make up my bed first make up 解作整理床铺房间;说 “Get up now and make your bed!quot。

楼主您好,make a bed 或是 make the bed 都是表示整理床铺 也就是铺床的意思两者几乎无差别,只是特指或泛指而已。


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  • 整理床铺用英语怎么说

    整理床铺 make the bed 整理床铺 make one#39s bed 先整理床铺, Make your bed, please我在整理床铺 I#39m doing the bed I am making zhe bed 铺床整理床铺 make bed tidy bed 她在整理床铺 She#39s making;我通常在早上730整理床铺用英语表达I usually make my bed at 7

    2023-05-28 09:46:01
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