公益活动 Public Benefit Activities

关于养老院关于志愿者关于朗诵比赛关于空巢老人 Yesterday, our class had a public benefit activity. In fact, we went to nursing homes to recite English and Chinese texts and sing songs for them for the old ladies and men. A few days before, we read a text ab...
关于养老院关于志愿者关于朗诵比赛关于空巢老人 Yesterday, our class had a public benefit activity. In fact, we went to nursing homes to recite English and Chinese texts and sing songs for them for the old ladies and men. A few days before, we read a text about the loneliness of the people in the nursing homes. So we are volunteering to hold this volunteer labor. We have prepared our own part at for a week. On Friday afternoon, we brought our performance there and showed them one by one. The old were laughed happily, so did we. It’s so good to have such activity.


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