戏剧表演 Dramatic Performance

关于classroom activity关于dramatic performance关于Romeo and Juliet关于戏剧表演关于罗密欧与朱丽叶关于课堂活动 Thismorning I played a drama in my Comprehension English Class. Tim who is myteacher asked us to play a drama several weeks ago. He said we could...
关于classroom activity关于dramatic performance关于Romeo and Juliet关于戏剧表演关于罗密欧与朱丽叶关于课堂活动

Thismorning I played a drama in my Comprehension English Class. Tim who is myteacher asked us to play a drama several weeks ago. He said we could choose anykinds of stories, but we should do it with our team, and he would choose thebest one and give them presents. Most of my classmates choose fairy tales. It’sour turn to show it today. Our drama is Romeo and Juliet. Shelly is Juliet, I’mRomeo, and Sandy is Juliet’s mother. At the beginning, I felt nervous, becauseothers’ teams had boys join in, and their dramas were funny. While we just hadthree girls and I couldn’t remember my words clearly. When we started,everything was OK, but afterShellysaid her lines, I forgot my works. At thatmoment I was so embarrassed and I wanted to escape, but Shelly reminded me andI could continue again. After we finished our drama, I was so sorry to mypartners. Because of me, they missed the gifts, but theydidn'tblame me, andsaid it’s no big deal, just for fun. I am so grateful to them and if we playdrama next time, I won’t disappoint them.



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