山寨文化不应该受到鼓励 Shanzhai Culture Should Not Be Encouraged

关于侵权行为关于后果关于山寨文化关于影响关于责任 "Shanzhai" first became a name for fakes after Shanzhai cell phones' popularity in the market. Now it has been given a broader meaning of fake, unprofessional or homemade, and a slang for anything that stea...

"Shanzhai" first became a name for fakes after Shanzhai cell phones' popularity in the market. Now it has been given a broader meaning of fake, unprofessional or homemade, and a slang for anything that steals ideas or styles from already well-known stuff. Some believe that "Shanzhai" has become a culture of its own and it represents non-mainstream ideas and innovations. However, from my point of view, it's not a healthy culture but piracy.


"Shanzhai" comes from copying and plagiarizing and often infringes on intellectual property rights. For example, imitated electronics, including cell phones, MP3s and even laptops, are the most common "shanzhai" products. Despite the possible infringement of IP rights, they are much liked by many people as a good way to spend less. However, consumers' interests should not be at the expense of legitimate IP right holders. IP right laws are there to protect the interests of patent, copyright and trademark holders for a limited period of time. They are devised not only to reward innovators, but also to encourage further creativity. If illegal "shanzhai" is not held accountable, society is rewarding copycats while punishing innovators. The result could be disastrous. Everyone will choose to copy others. The market will be flooded with the same kind of poorly-designed and badly-made products that have short lives and lack after-sale services.


From the above discussion, we can see clearly that "shanzhai" culture is not a healthy one. It violates IP rights and undermines market competition order under the disguise of grassroots culture.



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