学校应开设性教育课程 Sex Education Is Essential in School

关于grow healthily关于school关于sex education关于健康成长关于学校关于性教育 Nowadaysmany teenagers are early-maturing. They face the surroundings that they haven’tseen before. And they are curious about all the new things, especially someforbidden zones,...
关于grow healthily关于school关于sex education关于健康成长关于学校关于性教育

Nowadaysmany teenagers are early-maturing. They face the surroundings that they haven’tseen before. And they are curious about all the new things, especially someforbidden zones, like sex. So in order to make teens grow healthily, it isnecessary to have sex education in schools.


Havingsex knowledge is good for teenagers. Our country has issued the regulation thatundergraduates can get married. So some students in universities get involvedin cohabitation. Knowing little about that issue, teens may do some regretfulthings. For example, I saw a piece of news from the China Daily, about twoteenagers. They loved each other very much. However, one day the girl foundherself pregnant. Being students, they had no courage to tell their parents, sothe girl had an abortion in an illegal clinic. Unfortunately, the girl died ofexcessive loss of blood. It’s a painful lesson. Besides, having a good grasp ofthis knowledge helps teens avoid diseases, like too much unprotected sexualintercourse may causeAids. The most important thing is that if students don’treceive proper sex education, they will get it in other ways, such as pornfilms, porn websites and so on. Some information is harmful to students.


Sexeducation is necessary for the youth. And it is an urgent matter needs to besolved right away to make sure they grow healthily.



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