肩上的担子The Burden of the Shoulder

关于allegory关于duty关于excellent article关于寓言关于美文关于责任 A farmer took on firewood by tramping overmountains and through ravines every day, In order to get a day's rations andlet his son goes to school with the remaining money.一位农民每天肩挑柴禾...
关于allegory关于duty关于excellent article关于寓言关于美文关于责任

A farmer took on firewood by tramping overmountains and through ravines every day, In order to get a day's rations andlet his son goes to school with the remaining money.


When his son came back in summer vacation,his father let him pick firewood and sell it in order to cultivate his hardshipspirit. His son felt reluctant that take on firewood by tramping over mountainsand through ravines, so he gave up finally. The father can't be helped, so hesighed and let his son rest at the side. He still took on firewood day by day.


There's many a slip between the cup and thelip. The father was ill and he cannot get up. There was no income in home, sohis son decided to provoke the burden of life. The sun had not yet risen, whilethe son learned his father cut firewood and sell it at the bazaar. Nevertheless,he was not a bit tired.


“Son, don’t tired out!” the father lookedat his son busy figure felt pitying and loving and said to him. The son stoppedthe work and said to his father:“It is strange that I feel tired when you asked me to do, however, Ifell the burden more and more light even though I pick the more heavy ”


The father nodded his head approvingly andsaid to his son:” your body's endurance is training out and It is important ofyour mature.”


This story tells us: to think of ourselvesas stronger in life and bear the burden of life willingly.



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