
问寿司英文文章做寿司的材料英文与做法英文单词不需太难的答最佳答案sushi ['su:i] 寿司 salmon ['smn] sushi ['su:i] 三文鱼寿司cuttlefish ['ktl,fi] sushi ['su:i]墨鱼寿司eel [i:l] sushi ['su:i] 鳗鱼寿司Source: Simple English Wikipedia Sushi (寿司, Sushi?) is a k...




sushi ['su:ʃi] 寿司
salmon ['sæmən] sushi ['su:ʃi] 三文鱼寿司
cuttlefish ['kʌtl,fiʃ] sushi ['su:ʃi]墨鱼寿司
eel [i:l] sushi ['su:ʃi] 鳗鱼寿司

Source: Simple English Wikipedia
Sushi (寿司, Sushi?) is a kind of food. Sushi comes from Japan, and has a long history. It's a popular dish in America, the UK, and many other countries.
Sushi is made with rice. All types of sushi have some kind of rice. The rice is mixed with vinegar. There are other things in it like vegetables and raw fish called "neta". Some sushi is wrapped in seaweed (sometimes called "nori"), some is not. Some kinds of fish are safe to eat raw, and do not make people ill.
There are different kinds of sushi. Nigiri sushi is made with fish or vegetables that are put on top of sushi rice. Maki sushi is made with fish or vegetables rolled up inside rice.
Sushi can be eaten with hands or chopsticks. Soy sauce, wasabi, gari (sweet, pickled ginger), and other toppings are often put on sushi.
In Japan, sushi is sometimes sold in “conveyor-belt shops”, where plates of sushi are put on a moving belt which passes by the customers. People freely take the sushi they want as it passes. The color of the plate shows the price of the sushi. At some shops, any plate is 100 yen.

: Sushi originates from the practice of preserving fish by fermenting it in rice for months, a tradition which can be traced back to ancient China. It was originated during Tang Dynasty in China, though modern Japanese adopted sushi evolved to have little resemblance to this original Chinese food. The Japanese name "sushi" is written with kanji (Chinese characters) for ancient Chinese dishes which bear little resemblance to today's sushi. When the fermented fish was taken out to be eaten, only the fish was eaten and the rice was discarded. The strong-tasting narezushi which is made near Lake Biwa resembles the traditional fermented dish. Starting in the Muromachi Period (1336–1573) in Japan, rice vinegar was added to the mixture which accentuated the sourness of the dish and made its life span longer, while allowing the fermentation process to be shortened and eventually abandoned. The following centuries saw the development of oshi-zushi in Osaka, where seafood and rice were pressed into wooden moulds, and this dish arrived in Edo (present-day Tokyo) in the middle of the 18th century. It was in Edo that this evolved into what is known as Edo-mae zushi in the early 19th century, using fish freshly caught in "Edo-mae" (Edo Bay). At the time, it was considered a cheap meal for the common people. It is this Edo-mae zushi which is popular today throughout Japan and the world.

In Japanese cuisine, sushi is vinegared rice, usually topped with other ingredients, including fish, various meats, and vegetables. Outside of Japan, sushi is sometimes misunderstood to mean the raw fish by itself, or even any fresh raw-seafood dishes. In Japan, sliced raw fish alone is called sashimi and is distinct from sushi, as sashimi is the raw fish component, not the rice component. The word sushi itself comes from an outdated grammatical form of a word that is no longer used in other contexts; literally, sushi means "it's sour."
There are various types of sushi: sushi served rolled inside nori (dried and pressed layer sheets of seaweed or alga) called makizushi or rolls; sushi made with toppings laid with hand formed clumps of rice called nigirizushi; toppings stuffed into a small pouch of fried tofu called inarizushi; and toppings served scattered over a bowl of sushi rice called chirashi-zushi.


吞沙小卷 Swallow the small book of sand
蟹籽沙律寿司 crab seed sand law birthday department
鳗鱼小卷/3件 small volume 3 of eel/ document
双色沙律寿司 two-tone sand law birthday department
鲷鱼寿司 porgy fish birthday department
付皮寿司 pay skin birthday department
芝麻八爪鱼寿司 sesame seed eight claws fish birthday department
红蟹籽寿司 red crab seed birthday departments
三文鱼小卷/3件 three small volume 3 of culture fish/ documents
海草蟹籽寿司 sea-weed crab seed birthday department
螺肉寿司 spiral shell flesh birthday department
带子裙边寿司 belt skirt edge birthday department
玉米蟹籽寿司 maize crab seed birthday department
蟹柳寿司 crab Liu Dao department
三文鱼沙律寿司 three culture fish sand law birthday department
希鲮鱼寿司 rare dace birthday department
香芒三文鱼寿司 Three culture fish birthday departments
咖喱龙虾寿司 curry lobster birthday departments
鹅肝蟹籽寿司 goose liver crab seed birthday departments
香芒鳗鱼寿司 Xiangmang eel birthday departments
鹅肝泰芒寿司 goose liver Taimang birthdays attend to Xiangmang
心相印 heart premier's seal
香芒吞拿鱼寿司 Xiangmang swallow love of spending with fish birthday department
黄金鱿鱼寿司 Xiangmang swallow love of spending with fish birthday department
熟虾寿司 gold squid birthday department
花之恋 familiar shrimp birthday department
纤纤卷/9件 the towline towline rolls up/ 9 pieces
鳗鱼卷/9件 the eel rolls up/ 9 pieces
新香卷/9件 the new incense book/ swallows 9 pieces
吞拿鱼沙律手卷 to have no way with fish sand law hand scroll
蟹柳卷/9件 crab willow volume 9/ document
日式猪排饭 Japan style pork chop meal
日式鸡翼饭 more dyadic with each passing day chicken Wing meal
日式三文鱼头饭 three more dyadic with each passing day culture fish head meal
地狱拉面/乌冬 hell pull crow winter
特色凉面 characteristic Cold Noodles with Sesame Sauce
七彩鱼生饭 seven color fish grow a meal
中华海草 China sea-weed
味付螺肉 taste pay spiral shell flesh


一、读音英[ˈsu:ʃi] 美[ˈsuʃi]


n. <日>寿司,生鱼片冷饭团;







sushi bonds eurodollars 欧洲美元寿司债券


寿司相关材料英文:rice、sea weed


英[raɪs] 美[raɪs]

n. 稻; 稻米, 大米;

vt. 筛选;

Thailand exports its finericesaround theworld.





2、sea weed

英[si: wi:d] 美[si wid]

n. 海苔;

I don't likeseaweedbroth.



1、Cucumber Sushi 青瓜寿司

2、Carb Roe Sushi 蟹黄寿司

3、Wahu Sushi 和风寿司

4、Salmon Sushi 三文鱼寿司

5、Swordfish Sushi 箭鱼寿司

6、Squid Sushi 鱿鱼寿司

7、Prown Sushi 明虾寿司

8、Gyrus Sushi 回转寿司


Sushi读法 英['suːʃi]  美['suːʃi]  



1、The restaurant is famous for its delicious sushi.

2、We tried eating sushi as an experiment.



1、Sushi Appetizer寿司前菜

2、sushi cat寿司猫

3、Sushi Vinegar寿司醋

4、Sushi Friends寿司好友

5、Sushi set寿司套餐

英文翻译:rolled sushi
英文翻译:warship roll
英文翻译:stuffed sushi
英文翻译:pressed sushi


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