
哈莉拉姆 性别: 女 出生日期: 1992-03-26 出生地: 美国德克萨斯州 职业: 演员 外文名: Haley Ramm 关系网: 丽亚娜莱伯拉托 (搭档) 伊塔莉里奇 (搭档) 影人简介 (全部资料)   Haley Ramm must have been in quite a hurry to start living because her entrance into this...
哈莉·拉姆 性别: 女 出生日期: 1992-03-26 出生地: 美国德克萨斯州 职业: 演员 外文名: Haley Ramm 关系网: 丽亚娜·莱伯拉托 (搭档) 伊塔莉·里奇 (搭档) 影人简介 ······ (全部资料)   Haley Ramm must have been in quite a hurry to start living because her entrance into this world came five weeks early. At age three she started dancing in local studios, and by the time she was seven she was choreographing her own freestyle dances at school talent shows. Her love of center stage led to enrollment in acting classes and, at the recommendation of a teacher, her parents began looking for an agent.  Almost immediately she signed an agency contract and she began auditioning for commercials and independent films in and around Texas. She loves to break down a character and, whether it was for a commercial or film role, her sharp acting skills and ease in front of casting directors got her noticed. National commercials and print work for Hasbro and Dell Computers were booked right away, followed by roles in short films and independent features like the thriller Seventy-8 (2004), which premiered at the Hollywood Film Festival.  Acting was a blast for Haley and her family was extremely supportive. Because Texas has a small commercial and film industry, the auditions were few and far between and barely caused a ripple in the family's schedule. Between bookings and auditions Haley had time to perform with a local dance group and attend acting classes and workshops. Always close to Max, her older brother, she spent much of her spare time at his hockey games. 最近的5部作品(已上映) ······ (电影 1) (电视剧 4) 2019 悬浮聚会第二季 6.5 2018 悬浮聚会第一季 6.2 2015 追寻人生第二季 2014 追寻人生第一季 7.3 2007 威震八方3 4.9 最受好评的5部作品 ······ (电影 1) (电视剧 4) 追寻人生第一季 2014 悬浮聚会第二季 2019 悬浮聚会第一季 2018 威震八方3 2007 追寻人生第二季 2015 哈莉·拉姆扮演过的角色 ······ MayaHartman 出场电视剧 热点推手 Mary Wheeler 出场电影 溜冰场 Young Carine 出场电影 荒野生存 幼年琴 出场电影 X战警3:背水一战 与哈莉·拉姆合作过的明星 ······ 伊塔莉·里奇 合作作品(3) 丽亚娜·莱伯拉托 合作作品(2)


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