
费利佩阿比布 性别: 男 出生日期: 1982-12-14 出生地: 巴西,里约热内卢 职业: 演员 影人简介 (全部资料)   Felipe Abib was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1982. His father is of Lebanese descent and his mother's family is from the Northeast region of Brazil...
费利佩·阿比布 性别: 男 出生日期: 1982-12-14 出生地: 巴西,里约热内卢 职业: 演员 影人简介 ······ (全部资料)   Felipe Abib was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1982. His father is of Lebanese descent and his mother's family is from the Northeast region of Brazil. Felipe became known after his role "Jeremias" in the film Brazilian Western (2013), which won 7 awards in 2014, including the Grande Prêmio do Cinema Brasileiro prize for Best Film. In 2014, Felipe starred in one of the most popular comedy movies in Brazil "Vai Que da Certo" and in the 2015 sequel "Vai Que da Certo II". In 2016, he played a protagonist in the second season of the Emmy nominated series "Magnífica 70" on HBO. He also starred in the famous soap opera "Brazil Avenue" and in the Emmy nominated series "The Mayor's Wife as a protagonist" He recently completed roles in two new movies coming out soon: "Altas expectativas" (Sept 2017) and "Paraíso Perdido" (2018). 费利佩·阿比布扮演过的角色 ······ Jeremias 出场电影 西部巴西 Jimmy Bastos 出场电视剧 巴西大道


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