
费兰达乌雷霍拉 性别: 女 星座: 天秤座 出生日期: 1981-09-24 出生地: 智利,圣地亚哥 职业: 演员 影人简介 (全部资料)   Fernanda Urrejola has built her career playing strong, courageous women. She is originally from Santiago, Chile where she was an internatio...
费兰达·乌雷霍拉 性别: 女 星座: 天秤座 出生日期: 1981-09-24 出生地: 智利,圣地亚哥 职业: 演员 影人简介 ······ (全部资料)   Fernanda Urrejola has built her career playing strong, courageous women. She is originally from Santiago, Chile where she was an internationally competitive synchronized swimmer before she became an actress. In 2018 Fernanda will appear on Netflix's "Narcos" as María Elvira, wife of Diego Luna's character Miguel. She has three feature films set for release later this year, including "No Estoy Loca" (Nicolás López), "After Her" (Felipe Gon), and "Imprisoned" (Paul Kampf) opposite Juana Acosta, Juan Pablo Raba and Laurence Fishburne She lives and works between Los Angeles, Mexico and Chile, in both English and Spanish. 最近的5部作品(已上映) ······ (电视剧 3) 2020 五口之家 2019 毒枭:墨西哥第二季 9.0 2016 流弹 最受好评的5部作品 ······ (电视剧 3) 毒枭:墨西哥第二季 2019 五口之家 2020 流弹 2016 费兰达·乌雷霍拉扮演过的角色 ······ 机关枪女人 出场电影 机关枪女人头


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