世界对小李获奖的反应 World Reacts to leonardo’s Oscar Awards

关于Leonardo关于奥斯卡关于小李关于提名关于李奥纳多 When talking about Titanic, everyone will think about the handsome young image of Leonardo. During the last 22 years, Leonardo shot a lot of excellent movies and he has won many awards, which proves that...
关于Leonardo关于奥斯卡关于小李关于提名关于李奥纳多 When talking about Titanic, everyone will think about the handsome young image of Leonardo. During the last 22 years, Leonardo shot a lot of excellent movies and he has won many awards, which proves that he is a good actor. But he missed Oscar Awards all the time, though he had been nominated four times. But this year, for the fifth time to be nominated, Leonardo finally became the winner and the whole world was crazy about him. In China, a lot of fans were keeping their eyes on this big ceremony, when they heard Leonardo’s name, they jumped and screamed. In America, the crazy fans even burned the bear toy to celebrate this great moment, for Leonardo was eaten by the bear in the awarding movie. The whole world was happy for Leonardo, his constant effort helps him make breakthrough.


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