一位班主任的话 An Head Teacher’s Words

关于班主任关于考试关于高中毕业关于高中生关于高考 Every year, when June 8th comes, it is such a big day for Chinese high school students, because they need to take part in the very important exam, which will decide their future colleges. At the same time,...
关于班主任关于考试关于高中毕业关于高中生关于高考 Every year, when June 8th comes, it is such a big day for Chinese high school students, because they need to take part in the very important exam, which will decide their future colleges. At the same time, it is also means saying goodbye to the high school life for the students. In every class, students have great impression about their head teacher, even they graduate, they still can remember the head teacher. It is not easy to be a head teacher, he has to follow the students’ work all the time and most students hate him. So when the high school students graduate, a head teacher said thank you to his students for tolerating him for three years. These words are so touching, the students know his good purpose. Without the head teacher’s supervision, they would not go that far.


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