胜似亲人 More Than A Family

关于我的邻居关于空巢老人 There is an old woman lives next to my house. She lives alone because her only son works in another city and can’t go home often. So every day when I go home after school, I can see her sitting in the main gate and chat with othe...
关于我的邻居关于空巢老人 There is an old woman lives next to my house. She lives alone because her only son works in another city and can’t go home often. So every day when I go home after school, I can see her sitting in the main gate and chat with others happily. She is very kind. One time, I forgot to bring my key, so I had to sit in the main gate. She talked to me and gave me some snacks. Since then, we became friends. I always talked with her about my problems and she could offer me some ideas. Now my parents often invite her to have dinner with us. She is like a family to us.


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