独自旅行或与朋友一起 Travel Alone or with Friends

关于自助游还是关于跟团游旅行的意义 投稿作者:梁宇Jason学校:湘潭大学投稿方式:电子邮件Today, more and more people think about whether to travel alone or with friends. As to me, I’d like to travel alone. There are several reasons.现在,越来越多的人考虑是独...




Today, more and more people think about whether to travel alone or with friends. As to me, I’d like to travel alone. There are several reasons.

Firstly, travelling is a process of decision making. When I travel alone, I can choose to visit my favorite place at first and stay there as long as I want. But as I travel with my friends, it's hard to decide where to eat and live. Not to mention where to visit at first.

Secondly, it's so difficult to book tickets and rooms for many people at a time, especially during long holidays. But if I travel alone, this problem can be easily solved.

Thirdly, why do I want to travel? It's because I want to know more about the outside world. If I travel alone, it will be easier for me to communicate with the local people and get to know new culture and customs. More importantly, when I travel alone, I feel so free and independent. I can do anything I want and go wherever I like. I think it's a good way to develop my ability of independence.

That's why I always enjoy travelling by myself. If I'm rich and free, I'd like to travel around our country to increase my knowledge, enrich my experience, and widen my horizon.


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