我的饮食习惯 My Eating Habits

关于养成良好习惯关于生活方式关于饮食习惯 Under the take care of my mother, my eating habit is very regular. I often eat porridge in the morning. Sometimes my mother will prepare some pickles for me. But sometimes I will put an egg into the porridge to hav...
关于养成良好习惯关于生活方式关于饮食习惯 Under the take care of my mother, my eating habit is very regular. I often eat porridge in the morning. Sometimes my mother will prepare some pickles for me. But sometimes I will put an egg into the porridge to have the egg porridge. At noon, I will eat in school canteen. Sometimes I will have noodles. At night, my mother will prepare a big meal for me. After dinner, I will eat a little fruit.


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  • 我的饮食习惯 My Eating Habits

    关于养成良好习惯关于生活方式关于饮食习惯 Under the take care of my mother, my eating habit is very regular. I often eat porridge in the morning. Sometimes my mother will prepare some pickles for me. But sometimes I will put an egg into the porridge to hav

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