一个警告 A Warning

关于Warning关于强盗关于抢劫关于警告 Last night, it is said that someone got robbed. My mother is scared, she tells me not to go outside very late, or go to the place that without many persons. I listen to her words, so I get home early, though I want to p...
关于Warning关于强盗关于抢劫关于警告 Last night, it is said that someone got robbed. My mother is scared, she tells me not to go outside very late, or go to the place that without many persons. I listen to her words, so I get home early, though I want to play with my friends for more time. But safety comes first. I hope the robber get caught soon.


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上一篇 03-02
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  • 回家路上遇强盗

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  • 一个警告 A Warning

    关于Warning关于强盗关于抢劫关于警告 Last night, it is said that someone got robbed. My mother is scared, she tells me not to go outside very late, or go to the place that without many persons. I listen to her words, so I get home early, though I want to p

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    349 0



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