李安 Li An

关于award关于动物园关于李安 Li An is a famous director. At first, I am not familiar with him. But later I hear that he wins the Oscar Best Director Award by Life of PI. The best director award sounds very cool. I watch the movie and love it very much. It...
关于award关于动物园关于李安 Li An is a famous director. At first, I am not familiar with him. But later I hear that he wins the Oscar Best Director Award by Life of PI. The best director award sounds very cool. I watch the movie and love it very much. It is excited. I hope I can have such experience. I never stay with a tiger. But I think I would be a little afraid if I take boat. I think I can have such kind of experience in my dream. Wish me a good dream.


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  • tiger怎么读

    tiger读音:英[tabai(r)]美[ta]。意思:老虎、各种猫科动物、凶恶的人,虎狼之徒。名词复数是:tigers。The tiger is a representative of the cat family.老虎是猫科动物的典型。The hunter hurled his spear at the tiger.猎人用力把他的长矛向虎投去。The tiger dragged i

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  • 李安 Li An

    关于award关于动物园关于李安 Li An is a famous director. At first, I am not familiar with him. But later I hear that he wins the Oscar Best Director Award by Life of PI. The best director award sounds very cool. I watch the movie and love it very much. It

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  • 李安 Li An

    关于award关于动物园关于李安 Li An is a famous director. At first, I am not familiar with him. But later I hear that he wins the Oscar Best Director Award by Life of PI. The best director award sounds very cool. I watch the movie and love it very much. It

    2023-03-01 23:52:01
    644 0



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