看一看90后Post-90s at a glance

关于90后关于post-90s关于年轻一代关于独立的90后 Many years ago, people talk about post-80s everywhere, now, as the time flies, it has come to the time of post-90s. Young people who are born after 1990s are the world’s main future, they have come to their...
关于90后关于post-90s关于年轻一代关于独立的90后 Many years ago, people talk about post-80s everywhere, now, as the time flies, it has come to the time of post-90s. Young people who are born after 1990s are the world’s main future, they have come to their best year, fighting for their future. Chinese young adults and the US youth share different features.

Chinese youth are going individual today. We fully understand that the year of 2014 has shown a rapidly evolving sense of individuality. Chinese parents have kept watching their children all the time, they worry about their safety, their future and even their marriage. So the parents always interfere with the kids’ personal life, making their children lacking of independency. Now the young generation starts to become independent and find their individuality.

In the west, the young generation shows different traits compared to Chinese generation. American children are very independent since they are small, the parents leave much space for them. So theUS youth have a global view, they pay attention to the world affair and get to know more about the world.

There is no doubt that post-90s are the world’s future hosts, though Chinese youth share different traits with US youth, both of them will be successful.


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