热心的老爷爷 The Kind Old Man

关于kind关于老人关于老爷爷 There is an old man in our school’s small shop. He is in charge of the shop. Whenever I see him, he is also smiling. Every student likes to talk to him, for this old man knows a lot and he is very young in mind. Once I lost my...
关于kind关于老人关于老爷爷 There is an old man in our school’s small shop. He is in charge of the shop. Whenever I see him, he is also smiling. Every student likes to talk to him, for this old man knows a lot and he is very young in mind. Once I lost my wallet, it is him to remind me to pick up it. He is such a kind man, I like him so much.


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上一篇 03-17
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  • 热心的老爷爷 The Kind Old Man

    关于kind关于老人关于老爷爷 There is an old man in our school’s small shop. He is in charge of the shop. Whenever I see him, he is also smiling. Every student likes to talk to him, for this old man knows a lot and he is very young in mind. Once I lost my

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  • 热心的老爷爷 The Kind Old Man

    关于kind关于老人关于老爷爷 There is an old man in our school’s small shop. He is in charge of the shop. Whenever I see him, he is also smiling. Every student likes to talk to him, for this old man knows a lot and he is very young in mind. Once I lost my

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  • 溜冰的老爷爷350字作文

      今天下午,我在来作文班的路上,看见了一个溜冰的人,你猜他是谁?对了,是全市人都知道的那位溜冰的老爷爷。  溜冰的老爷爷,他瘦瘦的,高高的,穿着一双溜冰鞋,留着长长的白色胡子。上身穿着一件毛背心,很多人却穿上了薄棉袄,不知道他这样冷不冷?他熟练地在街道上

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