明智对待名人的隐私Be Wise to the Celebrities’ Privacy

关于名人关于名人子女关于名人隐私关于隐私 In the summer, the hottest reality show must be Where Are You Going, Daddy? The show brings the public how the male celebrities get along with their children in the outdoor. People can peer at the famous people’s...
关于名人关于名人子女关于名人隐私关于隐私 In the summer, the hottest reality show must be Where Are You Going, Daddy? The show brings the public how the male celebrities get along with their children in the outdoor. People can peer at the famous people’s life, the show satisfies their curiosity. But some crazy fans over search the celebrities’ privacy, making their children in danger.

As celebrities’ children, they catch people’s attention since they are born, people are curious about their idols’ privacy, they want to know everything about their idols. So some crazy fans will put their feelings on the celebrities’ children, they want to expose the children’s privacy. This is not good for them.

The crazy fans will bring a lot of trouble to their idols. Too much exposure of their privacy will make their idols in danger. Many years ago, a daughter of a famous star was kidnapped, because of the information was open, then the girl was killed. There is not right to open other people’s privacy, the fans should keep a wise mind.


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