论献血 On blood Donation

关于advantage关于health关于健康关于好处关于献血 It is often seen that many donation cars park along road sothat it would be convenient for people to donate blood. Some people are veryglad to donate because they believe their blood can be helpful for other...

It is often seen that many donation cars park along road sothat it would be convenient for people to donate blood. Some people are veryglad to donate because they believe their blood can be helpful for others whoare in need. Some people are reluctant to donate their blood for they hold thatthey may be infected with other disease. In my opinion, I think people shoulddonate blood. Reasons are as follows.


Firstof all, donating blood will benefit others. Generally, hospitals need lots ofblood for those critically ill patients and those who have accident. Hence,hospitals will store amounts of blood in blood bank incase of emergency. By donating blood, we can fill the blood bank and ensuredoctors enough blood to save patients’ life.


Secondly,we will be healthier by donating blood. If we keep on donating blood, then ourhematopoietic function will be strengthened.So the blood viscosity will be lower and the velocity of blood flow willspeed up. Consequently, it will help people to relieve or prevent high blood viscosity.


In conclusion, by donating blood, not only canwe help others to some extent, but also we can be healthier.



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  • 论献血 On blood Donation

    关于advantage关于health关于健康关于好处关于献血 It is often seen that many donation cars park along road sothat it would be convenient for people to donate blood. Some people are veryglad to donate because they believe their blood can be helpful for other

    2023-03-12 22:43:01
    808 0
  • 论献血 On blood Donation

    关于advantage关于health关于健康关于好处关于献血 It is often seen that many donation cars park along road sothat it would be convenient for people to donate blood. Some people are veryglad to donate because they believe their blood can be helpful for other

    2023-03-12 22:43:01
    786 0



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