一个挑剔的女孩 A Picky Girl

关于Lucy关于嫉妒关于挑剔关于挑剔的女孩 Lucy is a lucky girl in everybody’s eyes, because she was born in a rich family and her parents can give her everything. But Lucy has few friends, it is not because they are jealous about her, Lucy is picky about ot...
关于Lucy关于嫉妒关于挑剔关于挑剔的女孩 Lucy is a lucky girl in everybody’s eyes, because she was born in a rich family and her parents can give her everything. But Lucy has few friends, it is not because they are jealous about her, Lucy is picky about others. She will tell others that they dress badly, or they look not well in the color. So everybody is afraid of her and they get away from her.


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  • 一个挑剔的女孩 A Picky Girl

    关于Lucy关于嫉妒关于挑剔关于挑剔的女孩 Lucy is a lucky girl in everybody’s eyes, because she was born in a rich family and her parents can give her everything. But Lucy has few friends, it is not because they are jealous about her, Lucy is picky about ot

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