国际儿童读书节 International Children's Book Day

关于儿童节关于阅读的重要性 Children are the future of a country, so the government pays special attention to improve their ability. There are many policies to be put forward, in the hope of bringing good education to these young people. The International...
关于儿童节关于阅读的重要性 Children are the future of a country, so the government pays special attention to improve their ability. There are many policies to be put forward, in the hope of bringing good education to these young people. The International Children's Book Day advocates children to fall in love with reading books. People believe that children in the school can receive good education and it is the teachers' job to pass knowledge, while most of them ignore the duty of parents. Family education comes first. As the saying that children are the elders' mirror, so parents' role in educating children can't be missed. If parents like to read, their children will surely fall in love with reading. So the elder should spend more time to read with their children, setting good examples to them and this is the best education.


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