校园惨案的思考The Lesson About School Massacre

关于室友关于心理问题关于校园安全 About ten years ago, a student in California shot many students at school; it is world famous gunshot event at school. A year ago, a postgraduate in Chinese campus poisoned his roommate, all these events are astonishing, t...
关于室友关于心理问题关于校园安全 About ten years ago, a student in California shot many students at school; it is world famous gunshot event at school. A year ago, a postgraduate in Chinese campus poisoned his roommate, all these events are astonishing, the criminals are students, and they should have enjoyed their lives at this age. The school massacres bring people thinking.
In the 21st century, the world has been happened many events; economy develops fast, while many disasters happened. Gun shot in school is a big problem in America, it happens now and then, in China, there are also school tragedies. The most famous is the poison case。In 1994, a female student in Tsinghua got poisoned and became mental retardation, a year ago, the same case happened in Fudan University, a postgraduate was poisoned by his roommate; his roommate killed him because of the trivial things. All the school tragedies remind people to care about students’ mental health.
Students are the future of the country, what they do matters so much. The school massacres reflect the problem in fostering students. The education should not only pay attention to their study, but also their mental health. Most students get mental problem, it needs to be fix in time, once some students get extreme thoughts, they will do bad things. As parents, they should not put much pressure on kids.
The school tragedies make people pay attention to kids’ attitude towards life, the improvement of the situation needs the society and parents’ effort.


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