来自电商的挑战 The Challenge From E-commerce

关于shop关于商店关于挑战关于电商关于超市 It has been reported that many stores in the supermarket had been shut down. It is known to all that as the development of e-commerce, people like to buy things online, which makes the shops have less customers. Th...
关于shop关于商店关于挑战关于电商关于超市 It has been reported that many stores in the supermarket had been shut down. It is known to all that as the development of e-commerce, people like to buy things online, which makes the shops have less customers. The challenge that e-commerce brings requires the traditional business to make some changes.

There are many reasons for the shops to go bankrupted. On the one hand, the rent is high. The shops in the supermarket need to pay a lot of money in order to rent the good place. We can see that every year, the price of land is increasing, so as the rent. On the other hand, most people go to the clothes shop to try on the clothes and buy the same style online. Because the price will be much cheaper online.

The traditional shops face the challenge, they need to make some adjustments, or they will be replaced by e-commerce completely. The customers are in the first place, if the shops have some features that attract them, they are willing to pay the bill. So don’t complain about the Internet, making change is the way out.


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