珍贵的照片 The Precious Picture

关于basketball关于picture关于precious关于照片 In my bedroom, there is a picture hung in the wall, in the picture, my parents cheer for me, they are smiling happily. This is the very precious picture for me, I won the basketball match, my parents were very...
关于basketball关于picture关于precious关于照片 In my bedroom, there is a picture hung in the wall, in the picture, my parents cheer for me, they are smiling happily. This is the very precious picture for me, I won the basketball match, my parents were very proud of me. Every when I see the picture, I tell myself to work hard and make my parents be proud of me.


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  •   墙,白墙,光秃秃的白墙,也许是大多数人心目中的样子,普通到会被忽视。我当然也没什么特别的地方,但我家老宅的那堵墙却盛载了我整个童年。  十六年前,我在镇子上的那条唯一的大路上的医院里来到了这个世界,爸爸为了方便照顾我和妈妈,就在医院旁花了大笔钱买下了这

    2023-03-04 10:09:01
    147 0
  • 珍贵的照片 The Precious Picture

    关于basketball关于picture关于precious关于照片 In my bedroom, there is a picture hung in the wall, in the picture, my parents cheer for me, they are smiling happily. This is the very precious picture for me, I won the basketball match, my parents were very

    2023-03-01 20:26:01
    473 0



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