爱国 Loving One's Country

关于爱国主义教育关于理性爱国 Since I went to school, the teachers always told us to love our motherland, because we were born here and its culture was very profound, so that we also should be proud of being part of it. I kept this in my heart, but one day...
关于爱国主义教育关于理性爱国 Since I went to school, the teachers always told us to love our motherland, because we were born here and its culture was very profound, so that we also should be proud of being part of it. I kept this in my heart, but one day, I read some negative information from foreign websites. These articles criticized China and the government. What’s more, there were so many foreigners making bad comments about the Chinese government, some even to criticized the people. But as our country became stronger and more foreigners came to visit, they started to change their idea and fell in love with this big old country. I realized that no country was perfect, even America faced many problems. We have the long history and different culture, which make this country so attractive. I love my country.


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  • 爱国 Loving One's Country

    关于爱国主义教育关于理性爱国 Since I went to school, the teachers always told us to love our motherland, because we were born here and its culture was very profound, so that we also should be proud of being part of it. I kept this in my heart, but one day

    2023-03-08 03:54:01
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