回顾2008 Back in 2008

关于2008关于2008关于confidence关于difficulty关于look back on the pas关于信心关于回顾过去关于困难 2008:It is the most unforgettable year for our Chinese, since we underwent so manythings. Looking back on that year, I found it eventful.2008是我们中国最令人难...
关于2008关于2008关于confidence关于difficulty关于look back on the pas关于信心关于回顾过去关于困难

2008:It is the most unforgettable year for our Chinese, since we underwent so manythings. Looking back on that year, I found it eventful.


Atthe beginning of that year, we suffered a lot from the ice and snow disaster.Everything was so expensive at that time. To make things worse, all the trafficlines were frozen; so many workers and students were detained at the railwaystation. They had a terrible job to go home.


InMarch, a horrible violence happened in Tibet, which caused so many deaths and injuries,and caused bad social influence. It seemed that our world was no longer a safeplace to live in.


OnMay 12th, the most terrible earthquake which happened in Wenchuan deprived oftens of thousands of lives. We were dreadful at that time. Some of myschoolmates collected money for disaster area. Some of my schoolmates prayedgood luck for them with candles. I also joined in them. We eagerly wished thatthe dead people would go well on their way to haven and people alive could bestrong.


InAugust, the Olympic Games were hold in our country that was a totally success,bring great reputation to our nation. We were so excited to welcome athletesall over the world. It was a great chance for the world to know us better.


Atthe end of the year, there came a financial crisis. Many companies wentbankrupt. Therefore, so many workers lost their jobs.


Whata poignant year we had spent in 2008, but we were not defeated, because Chinawas getting more and more flourishing. We have the confidence and ability toovercome all difficulties.



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