妹妹的秘密 My Sister’s Secret

关于我的秘密关于爱情 I have a sister. She is two years younger than me and now she is just in middle school. My sister and I are very close and we talk everything. But recently, I found there was something wrong with my sister. She started to keep secret....
关于我的秘密关于爱情 I have a sister. She is two years younger than me and now she is just in middle school. My sister and I are very close and we talk everything. But recently, I found there was something wrong with my sister. She started to keep secret. I was so curious and wanted to figure out what had happened. Someday, I found my sister wrote a name on her textbook and it obviously was a boy’s name. I smiled and knew my sister’s secret. She fell in love with a boy. Later my sister confessed to me. I laughed at her and told her that this was our common secret and I wouldn’t tell our parents.


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