第一场雪 The First Snow

关于下雪关于堆雪人 I was born in the southern area, so I have never seen snow in the winter in my life. This year, I was so excited to take a visit to my uncle’s family. They invited me to stay some time with them and they know I wanted to enjoy a snowy...
关于下雪关于堆雪人 I was born in the southern area, so I have never seen snow in the winter in my life. This year, I was so excited to take a visit to my uncle’s family. They invited me to stay some time with them and they know I wanted to enjoy a snowy winter. So I went to the north and this was the first time for me to see snow. It was so fun to play in the snowy ground.


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  • 堆雪人 Making a Snowman

    关于snow关于堆雪人关于米老鼠关于雪人 As the winter has come, the weather becomes so cold and there comes the snow. I love snow so much, because I can play with my friends outside, we play many games with the snow. The most exciting thing is to make a snow

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  • 第一场雪 The First Snow

    关于下雪关于堆雪人 I was born in the southern area, so I have never seen snow in the winter in my life. This year, I was so excited to take a visit to my uncle’s family. They invited me to stay some time with them and they know I wanted to enjoy a snowy

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  • 堆雪人300字作文

      星期天清晨,早起的爸爸拉开窗帘不禁感叹道:“外面的雪景好美呀!”隔壁房间的我听了迫不及待地跑到窗前:“哇!真是一个美丽的童话世界呀!”  我赶紧穿衣、吃饭,兴致勃勃地和妈妈到院里堆雪人。首先妈妈用铁锨铲来一大堆雪做雪人的胖身体,我负

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