我的姐姐 My Sister

关于sister关于写人关于姐姐 I have a sister. Sheis the daughter of my father’s close friend. We live nearby. She is three yearsolder than me. We always played together when we were little. Now, she goes tothe middle school. She is busy in her study. I oft...

I have a sister. Sheis the daughter of my father’s close friend. We live nearby. She is three yearsolder than me. We always played together when we were little. Now, she goes tothe middle school. She is busy in her study. I often go to her home atweekends. She tells many stories in school. I want to go to the middle schoolsoon. Besides, she helps me in study. I always ask her questions. I love mysister.


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  • 我的姐姐 My Sister

    关于sister关于写人关于姐姐 I have a sister. Sheis the daughter of my father’s close friend. We live nearby. She is three yearsolder than me. We always played together when we were little. Now, she goes tothe middle school. She is busy in her study. I oft

    2023-03-01 18:23:01
    664 0



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