买东西的欲望 The Desire to Buy

关于欲望关于购物关于遗憾 When I see the things I like, I always have strong desire to buy. If I can’t buy it, I will remember it all the time. Once I passed the shoe store and fell in love with a pair of beautiful shoes, but I did not have enough money,...
关于欲望关于购物关于遗憾 When I see the things I like, I always have strong desire to buy. If I can’t buy it, I will remember it all the time. Once I passed the shoe store and fell in love with a pair of beautiful shoes, but I did not have enough money, so I decided to go home and asked my mother to give me the money. The next day, when I passed the store, I found the shoes were gone. They were sold out. I felt so pitiful and every time when I passed the shoe store, I would think about the shoes. Then a month passed, I saw the same style online, but I found I did not like it so much, and my desire was gone.


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  • 买东西的欲望 The Desire to Buy

    关于欲望关于购物关于遗憾 When I see the things I like, I always have strong desire to buy. If I can’t buy it, I will remember it all the time. Once I passed the shoe store and fell in love with a pair of beautiful shoes, but I did not have enough money,

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