遵守社会公德 To Comply with Social Morality

关于予人玫瑰关于和谐社会关于手留余香关于社会公德 Social morality isan important part of our life that reflects the degree of civilization of ourcountry. Generally speaking, social morality contains many aspects. For example,civility, which requires people...

Social morality isan important part of our life that reflects the degree of civilization of ourcountry. Generally speaking, social morality contains many aspects. For example,civility, which requires people behave in a becoming manner and be friendly toothers. Be ready to help others telling us that give a hand to those who needhelp. When we help others, we can get gratification as well. Just as the oldsaying goes, “Roses given, fragrance in hand.” Besides, respecting the old andcherishing the young, protecting the environment, observing law and disciplineare also included in social morality. Observe social morality is the basicrequirement to a man of being moral, which has positive effects that keep oursociety stable and harmonious. As a member of our society, we should keep thesedisciplines and requirements in mind, so that act as a moral people.



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