英语角The English Corner

关于好处关于社会交际关于练习关于英语口语关于英语活动 The English corner, established in Renmin Park three years ago, is in charge of College English Association, which is held regularly on every Friday night from seven to nine. It has a fixed theme each w...

The English corner, established in Renmin Park three years ago, is in charge of College English Association, which is held regularly on every Friday night from seven to nine. It has a fixed theme each week for people discussing, most of which are related to people’s life or the English speaking countries. Until now, it has become a popular activity in this city, which attracts not only students attend but also many foreigners. In here, people practice their English, make new friends and share their experience of English learning. Many English learners think it’s helpful to take part in this activity and regard it as a supplement to school learning.



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  • 英语角The English Corner

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