我最喜爱的卡通人物 My Favorite Cartoon Character

关于动画片关于卡通关于女性的力量 Since I was very small, I started to watch a lot of classic Disney cartoon movies. The familiar names of Snow White, Peter Pan and others are just like my friends. I admire the heroes of these characters, because they show...
关于动画片关于卡通关于女性的力量 Since I was very small, I started to watch a lot of classic Disney cartoon movies. The familiar names of Snow White, Peter Pan and others are just like my friends. I admire the heroes of these characters, because they show me the courage to defeat difficulties. Among all kinds of heroes, I like Belle the most.

In the cartoon movie Beauty and the Beast, Belle is a different girl. She is smart and dare to against the traditional ideas. People around her regard a girl’s value is to marry a man and then takes care of the house chores. Even the ability to read books is believed to be unacceptable. But Belle is a brave girl. She likes reading and she has her own thoughts.

The most impressive feature of Belle is that she is not like other heroines, who are waiting for the prince’s rescue. Belle saves the prince and changes the world. She is the new type of woman, showing the power of female. I see the power in her and believe that every girl can make a difference.


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