我对同性恋的看法My View on Homosexuality

关于gay关于homosexual关于homosexuality关于同性恋 Recently, the CEO named Tim Cook who is from iPhone company claimed that he was a gay, he gave a powerful speech, saying that he decided to face who he was. Gay love is always a sensitive topic, compared to...
关于gay关于homosexual关于homosexuality关于同性恋 Recently, the CEO named Tim Cook who is from iPhone company claimed that he was a gay, he gave a powerful speech, saying that he decided to face who he was. Gay love is always a sensitive topic, compared to before, now more and more people have opened their hearts to accept the special relationship, I am one of them.
Many years ago, people were not willing to talk about homosexuality, because the public treated such special relationship immoral, they thought it was against the rule of nature, people who had the homosexual potential felt shameful and chose to hind who really they were. But as the time went by, people fight for their rights, some places have accepted homosexuals, the government gave such people rights to get married.
As for me, I think it is people’s right to choose who they want to be with. Who says men must be with women for their lifetime when they world begins. What’s more, homosexuals do nothing to hurt or danger others, they just feel happy to be with the one they love.


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