方向感迷失 The Lost of Direction

关于方向感迷失关于迷路 I always lose my way when I go out alone, I have the bad sense of direction, even I walk the same road for many time, I still will get lost. I try to find out the reason and I want to solve this problem. So when I go out, I start to...
关于方向感迷失关于迷路 I always lose my way when I go out alone, I have the bad sense of direction, even I walk the same road for many time, I still will get lost. I try to find out the reason and I want to solve this problem. So when I go out, I start to remember the obvious buildings and the feature of the road. Then soon I get familiar and won’t be lost again.


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  • 方向感迷失 The Lost of Direction

    关于方向感迷失关于迷路 I always lose my way when I go out alone, I have the bad sense of direction, even I walk the same road for many time, I still will get lost. I try to find out the reason and I want to solve this problem. So when I go out, I start to

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