家乡的月亮 The Moon In My Hometown

关于moon关于我的家乡关于月是故乡圆 There is an old Chinese saying that the moon in the hometown is full. Everytime when I go back to my hometown, I will think of this saying. Indeed, the moon in my hometown is much clear and bigger. The most important fac...
关于moon关于我的家乡关于月是故乡圆 There is an old Chinese saying that the moon in the hometown is full. Everytime when I go back to my hometown, I will think of this saying. Indeed, the moon in my hometown is much clear and bigger. The most important factor is that the sky is not polluted seriously, so I can see the blue sky. Unlike in the cities, the buildings are tall and people’s visions are covered. What’s more, there are so many factories setting out the gas that pollutes the air. When I stay in the city, I will miss my hometown, not noly the beautiful scenery, but also the clean moon.
在中国有一句古老的谚语——月是故乡圆。每次回到家乡时,我都会想起这句话。事实上,家乡的月亮更皎洁,也更圆。最主要的原因是天空污染没那么严重,所以我可以看到蓝色的天空。与城市的不同,那里建筑物高,人们的视线也就被挡住。而且,还有很多工厂释放的气体污染了空气。我在城里的时候,就会想念家乡 My Hometown'>我的家乡,不仅是秀丽的风景还有皎洁的月亮。


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