最好的年华 The Best Age

关于我的校园生活关于我的童年时光 In the Chinese lesson, I need to recite many old poems, which is very difficult for the elder to do it, but it is so easy to me. As I am young and full of energy, I can finish the job quickly. In the best age, I want to re...
关于我的校园生活关于我的童年时光 In the Chinese lesson, I need to recite many old poems, which is very difficult for the elder to do it, but it is so easy to me. As I am young and full of energy, I can finish the job quickly. In the best age, I want to read more books to enrich my life. The more I can recite, the more I can remember.


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  • 最好的年代 The Best Age

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  • 最好的年华 The Best Age

    关于我的校园生活关于我的童年时光 In the Chinese lesson, I need to recite many old poems, which is very difficult for the elder to do it, but it is so easy to me. As I am young and full of energy, I can finish the job quickly. In the best age, I want to re

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  • 最好的年纪 The Best Age

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