春节 The Spring Festival

关于元宵节关于新年愿望关于新年提示 When you ask the people around you, what isthe most important festival in China, I guess 99% of the people will say thesame answer, the Spring Festival. There is an old story about Spring Festival.It is said that the mon...

When you ask the people around you, what isthe most important festival in China, I guess 99% of the people will say thesame answer, the Spring Festival. There is an old story about Spring Festival.It is said that the monster, named Nian, will attack people from time to time.In order to drive it away, people have to light up firecrackers and put someRed paper on the front door and window at the last day of the Chinese year.Luckily, the monster, Nian, is afraid of the sound of the firecrackers and thecolor red; dare not to come any more. In order to memorialize this day, ourancestors decided that the first lunar calendar day of the Chinese Year is theSpring Festival.


During the Spring Festival, all the memberof the family will get together on the eve to have a big dinner. Fish, apple,noodle, dumplings, poke, chicken, candies and so on are indispensable on thetable. Fish stands for wealth and rich of the coming year, apple stands fordoing things smoothly, noodle stands for good health and long live, as to theothers, they all symbolize for the lucky and happiness of the coming year.


Children are the happiest ones during theSpring Festival, not only they can have lots of companies but also they canhave lucky money on the festival. With the lucky money, they can do whateverthey want, such as to set off the firecrackers, wear new clothes, use theirlucky money to buy the things they want; this is the best part of the SpringFestival, isn’t it?


The Spring Festival is not only means thebeginning of the brand-new year, but also carrying the best wish of thepeople’s. We are hoping in the New Year our wish will come true, our life willbecome better. Anyway, the most meaningful thing of the Spring Festival is thatwe spend the time with the family, the people we love and we know that’s allabout.



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