更多时间还是更多钱 More Time or More Money

关于十字路口关于时间关于选择关于金钱 Life is full of choices. We have to make our choice for many things. It ranges from what we eat for breakfast to what kind of life we prefer. When it comes to the question about what’s your ideal life, the majority of...

Life is full of choices. We have to make our choice for many things. It ranges from what we eat for breakfast to what kind of life we prefer. When it comes to the question about what’s your ideal life, the majority of people will have two answers, which are money and time. In fact, which one do you think is more important? The answer must be varying. As far as i am concerned, both choices have advantages and disadvantages, because if you choose money in your life, you will lose time and vice versa.
For one thing, money can bring lots of things for us and give us the pleasant of enjoyment. People often say that if you have money, you can make the devil push the millstone for you. If you have money, you can buy a lot of things that you like and ask for lots convenience and service, such as, house, car and massage. But when you spend most of your time on making money, you will have little time to enjoy your life, even have no time to take care of the people you love. So, people also often say that money is not everything.
For another, having enough time, people can do whatever they want, such as, go fishing, go travel, study and so on. They can have more time to stay with their family and play with friends. In other words, they have more time to enjoy life. However, they have little money to do many things. They have to live counting their money and couldn’t buy the things they like.
To sum up, for the question, money or time? We can’t only choose one of them. We had better make a balance between them. Frankly speaking, there is not absolutely balance, but we can work hard to make it become more balance.


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