冬天我最喜爱的食物 My Favorite Food in Winter

关于中国菜关于川菜关于第一次做饭 When winter comes, my family will always stay together and have hot pot, which is my favorite food in winter. Eating the hot pot makes me feel warm and I can add different types of food into the pot. According to the media...
关于中国菜关于川菜关于第一次做饭 When winter comes, my family will always stay together and have hot pot, which is my favorite food in winter. Eating the hot pot makes me feel warm and I can add different types of food into the pot. According to the media, not only Chinese people like to eat hot pot, but also foreigners. Hot pot has been one of the classic Chinese cuisines and it catches the world to come to China and have a taste of it. Though I am not in favor of spicy food, hot pot is the exception. I like its spicy, which makes my body feel warm.


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  • 第一次做饭作文500字【5篇】

      篇一:第一次做饭作文500字  人生中都有许多第一次,记得我第一次做的饭,那可真是令人哭笑不得。  那一次,妈妈爸爸都出差了,只留下我一个人在家里,到了中午,我的肚子里面像奏响了交响乐。我便去厨房,学着妈妈的样子,将米放在电饭煲里,再端上洗碗台接水淘米,

    2023-03-06 18:37:01
    373 0
  • 第一次做饭作文400字

      放寒假啦!妈妈上班去了,爸爸去看奶奶,我一个人在家,快到中午的时候肚子有点饿。我心想:平时都是爸爸妈妈为我做饭,今天我来做一次吧!我发现冰箱里有鸡蛋,我决定做一道爸爸的拿手菜——炒鸡蛋。  我先把洗好的鸡蛋打在碗中,放入少许的盐,学着大人的样

    2023-03-06 16:43:02
    260 0
  • 冬天我最喜爱的食物 My Favorite Food in Winter

    关于中国菜关于川菜关于第一次做饭 When winter comes, my family will always stay together and have hot pot, which is my favorite food in winter. Eating the hot pot makes me feel warm and I can add different types of food into the pot. According to the media

    2023-03-05 08:17:01
    719 0
  • 第一次做饭作文250字

      我们每个人都有第一次,但令我印象最深刻的一件事是第一次做饭。  有一天的中午,我回到家里发现一个人也没有。我想:爸爸妈妈上班很辛苦,我给他们做饭吧。  说干就干,我先舀了两勺半的大米,洗干净后放进锅里开始煮。然后把三个鸡蛋打进碗里,再将两个西红柿洗净切

    2023-03-02 18:57:01
    689 0



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