圣经故事 The Bible Stories

关于圣经关于圣经故事关于美国电影 I like to see movies so much, especially the American movie. I am attracted by its high technology and its amazing plot. The Bible stories are always referred in the movies, it is the common sense for the western people, w...
关于圣经关于圣经故事关于美国电影 I like to see movies so much, especially the American movie. I am attracted by its high technology and its amazing plot. The Bible stories are always referred in the movies, it is the common sense for the western people, while for Chinese, only few people have read the classical stories, so most of them don’t know the real meaning. I decided to buy the book Bible Stories and read them one by one. At first, there were so many English names and it was hard for me to remember, but as I read further, I was very impressed by these stories. The book showed the readers the coming of the world and the god would never abandon his people. The god also made many good rules for his people. I now understand the western culture and broaden my vision.
我很喜欢看电影,尤其是美国电影。我被它的高技术及其好看的情节所吸引。圣经故事总是在电影中被提到, 这是西方人的常识,而对于中国人来说,只有少数人读过经典的故事,所以他们中的大多数人都不知道真正的意思。我决定买《圣经故事》这本书来看看。起初,书里有这么多英文名字,我很难记住,但是当我深入阅读,这些故事让我非常深刻印象。这本书给读者展示了世界的来源和上帝永远不会抛弃他的子民。上帝也给他的子民订下了一些好的规则。我现在了解了西方文化,开阔了自己的视野。


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