年轻演员受到批评 Young Actors Are Criticized

关于敬业关于追星 In China, web fictions are very popular nowadays, many of whom have been brought to the screen and the young actors become the hot idols soon. These hot actors are young and beautiful. They are the future stars. While some audiences and a...
关于敬业关于追星 In China, web fictions are very popular nowadays, many of whom have been brought to the screen and the young actors become the hot idols soon. These hot actors are young and beautiful. They are the future stars. While some audiences and arts criticized them, for they were not professional in the plays.

The common problem for the young actors is that they could not play roles well. As they are new and lack of experience, they look very unnatural in the screen. Sometimes they exaggerate their facial expressions and ruin the beauty of the characters. The audiences feel angry because the young actors are paid well and do not do their good job.

It is true that some young actors are arrogant and don’t have the consciousness to get improved. While sometimes the play writer also need to take responsibility, because good play plots make work half done. Bad plots ruin everything. Some crazy fans only makes the situation worse, because they follow idols unwisely.

It needs to take time for young actors to grow up, and the good ones will be tested sooner or later.


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