关于家长送孩子参加培训班 On Parents Sending Kids to Training Classes

关于knowledge关于weekend关于周末关于培训班关于知识 It is quite common phenomenon that manyparents will bring their children to all kinds of classes as long as theirchildren have weekends or holidays. This kind of situation has been hotdiscussed among publ...

It is quite common phenomenon that manyparents will bring their children to all kinds of classes as long as theirchildren have weekends or holidays. This kind of situation has been hotdiscussed among public. Some people hold that children deserve to have playtime as much as possible. Some believe that children should learn as much aspossible since they have strong ability to grasp new knowledge. Standing on mypoint of view, I’m convinced that children should be sent to training class tolearn as much as possible so that they can be more brilliant.


Firstly, training class can broadenchildren’s knowledge. For almost all children, they have very limitedknowledge. But if they are sent to training class, they can learn variousknowledge of life.


Secondly, training class helps children toimprove their skills. Nowadays, there are many kinds of training agents forchildren to train children a certain kind of skill. For example, a great numberof parents will send their children to dance class. In this kind of class, notonly children can learn dance skills, but they can practice themselves at thesame time.


Thirdly, children can be more outstandingin the future compared with those who don’t attend training class. Kids learnmore skills will be more flexible and smart than those who never attendtraining classes in doing certain kinds of things.


All in all, sending kids to trainingclasses will do a lot of good to children’s future.



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